
Financing with CareCredit   

Payment Information


As a service to our patients, we are pleased to offer the CareCredit card – the nation’s leading patient payment plan.  With CareCredit, you can finance 100% of your treatment and there are no upfront costs, no annual fees, and no pre-payment penalties.  You can begin treatment today with convenient, low monthly payments.

    CareCredit offers different payment options so you can find one that fits comfortably within your budget –

·       With the popular Interest Free plan, there are no interest charges of you pay your balance in full within the specified time period.        

·       There is an extended payment plan available for patients who need more time to pay for implants or reconstructive or cosmetic dentistry.

The CareCredit card can be used by the whole family for ongoing treatment without having to reapply.  And by using CareCredit for your dental health, you can save your other lines of credit for household or unplanned expenses.  It only takes a few minutes to apply, and you may receive an online decision within seconds!  Apply now or see our staff for more details.    

Where to Find Us

Call: (410) 337-8909

8320 Bellona Avenue Suite 110
Towson, Maryland 21204


8320 Bellona Avenue Suite 110|
Towson, Maryland 21204

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